Spark P1 2016
#Summary To let users to adapt to our new Sparl desogm more smoothly, UXCCDS team defined 5 steps to update spark app's style. This is the P1 prototype.
Prototype Link
Screen shot
Launching the prototype
You can launch this prototype through the following ways:
1) Open the prototype in Chrome's mobile simulator. Click here to get more.
2) Install the prototype on your iPhone as a web app. Click here to learn more about this method.
1) Click the 'Branding team' 's line to enter its room.
2) Click the activity board's icon on the top-right corner to open it.
3) Click on each ball on the activity board to experience the different features.
This prototype aims to displays the following designs:
1) The navigation for the P1 version.
2) Smoonth trasition effects in between pages
3) Add activity board to spark.