Speech Recognition

Arthus Huang


Speech recognition helps people to free up their hands. It became more and more popular after iPhone 4s has been published.


We applied speech recongnition to our sparkboard prototypes. Learn more about how this prototype works in normal mode here.



1) Open the prototype in Chrome. (Make sure you can connect to Google's server.)

2) Enable Chrome to use your micphone.

3) Try to use the following command. (Just speak!)

Action Command
Reload the prototype and go to the black screen 'zero','reload','close','sleep'
Go to 'Hello' screen 'one','hello','wake up','hi spark'
Go to dashboard 'two','dashboard','menu','home'
Share files 'three','files','share files'
Call 'four','call'
Whiteboard 'five','whiteboard'
Share screen 'six','share screen'

4) There may be some lag after you say something.